How we help
In order to support neighbors on their path to success, Bluffton Self Help builds a community that opens doors to opportunity through education and training, workforce development and basic needs.
How the story unfolds…
Beginning, middle, end.
This is the top-visited page on your site.
Trust is at an all time low... Distrust is the new default, so we need to inject trust into the about page
Why do people go to the about page?
Who’s behind it?
Do you seem credible?
Do you seem like the type of person/business they’d like to work with?
They want to feel a connection to what you stand for.
58% choose businesses based on the connection they feel to our beliefs and values
They want to know "who are you?" in clear language. Why did you start this? They want to know there is a person behind the brand.
We like to buy from "people" more than we like to buy from "companies". That’s why it’s useful to include details on your about page that tell your customers:
What makes you different from your competitors
Your values and beliefs
Why they should choose you
Opportunity to break a rule... Don't we we we all over your website, but the About page is supposed to break the rule.
The People that make this so special
Characters... founders; leadership. Talk about you, not the services, products or solutions
What is missing from the marketplace that created the need for this company?
Show images of yourself or your team here.
It helps people see that you're real
A simple approach is the Passion of the Founders...
"I didn't want to do anything else except interactive marketing... I'm passionate about it". I'm obsessed about the intersection between creative and technical,,art and science....
Our partners
The Challenge / Conflict
What was the failure in the marketplace that forced us to create this business / company?
what problem is it solving?/
"There was this problem.... and we care... so we're here to fix it"
New Era uses stats to show that the problem exists, then they go on to share their origin story that tells why the are addressing this problem
Add social proof / data / to back up the emotional intro.
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.
Resolution / Solution
What is the impact of this work? outcome ?
how does it make a difference?
emotional connection to the reader
shows the "new bliss"
The Sequel / Vision
Where are we headed from here? What is the “cliff hanger” if we get the funding we need?
What will more investment mean to Impact?
How can donors make a difference?