Community Networking

Community Living & Support

Long Term Community Support

Respite Care

Residential Care

Community Networking

This is an alternative to a day program.

Can not be billed in a licensed facility (our group homes)  

Must provide opportunities to build relationships with non-disabled peers, develop social roles and do what matters to that person. 

May be authorized as a 1-1 service or as group.

Billed in 15 minute increments.

Community Living & Support

Includes habilitative goals as well as personal care that may be provided inside or outside of the home.

May not be provided in licensed facility

Billed through EVV and in 15 minute increments

Long Term Community Support

Level 01

We provide multiple meaningful day opportunities for individuals living with their family.

Level 02

We provide support for independent living charged at a daily rate.

Meaningful Day

We provide an alternative to Day Program, billed per day (3-6 hours) of activity that is meaningful to the individual.  If provided for Group Home resident, must not be residential staff.

Respite Care

Designed to give the primary caregiver a break.

B3 or Innovations Funded

Residential Care

This is a 24 hour/7 day per week service, directed towards achieving greater independence and/or maintaining skills. 

Must have choice, community integration, medical, nutritional and environmental needs met.

The Residential occurs in a licensed facility and is billed by the day (Innovations and LTCS Level 5 funded).  May also have day program, community networking or meaningful day as an additional service.